
Line Editing

Do you read your manuscript and wonder, Is this word choice right? Do these parts flow together in the right way? Could I trim some words here? Does this part make sense? If so, you need a line edit. I will analyze each sentence in your manuscript and consider word choice, syntax, and clarity. My line-editing service includes suggestions on how and where to tighten sentence structure so your writing is sharp and clear and provides notes on style and consistency. Line editing includes corrections of spelling, grammar, and punctuation using the “tracked changes” function in Word so each comment and revision is visible.


Do you want complete confidence that your manuscript is ready for publication? Copyediting includes corrections of mistakes in grammar, spelling, and punctuation in your Word document using the “tracked changes” function so each correction is visible. I will also fact-check your manuscript and review it for consistency. In other words, I’ll make sure Madeleine on page five doesn’t become Madelaine on page thirty-seven. Along with standard corrections for grammar and punctuation, you will receive a mini style sheet personalized for your book with notes of all preferred spellings and style choices.


Do you need a fresh, final set of eyes on your book before sending it to press? Proofreading takes place after a manuscript has been copyedited and designed. If you are self-publishing, I work with your book designer by checking the PDFs of the book’s interior and cover and doing a final read of the pages to catch any outstanding errors. This service includes checks of page numbers, chapter sequencing, indentations, spacing, fonts, photo captions, and many other text and design elements. After I’ve finished proofreading your PDF, you’re ready to upload your files to book distributors and become a published author.

“What could have been, for me, a tedious and dreaded process became an educational and pleasurable one. Kathy Brown made the difference! Her support is unwavering and patient; her communications are clean and clear; and her scrutiny in editing and proofing is razor-sharp. My husband and I look forward to working with her again on our next project!”

— Deborah K. Mishoe
Project Manager, Musing in Search of Meaning, by Randall Mishoe

How Do We Get Started?

Contact me for a free sample edit of 1,500 words of your manuscript. You’ll receive my evaluation of the level of editing I think the manuscript requires and an all-in price proposal and timeline for your project.


No manuscript is the same, and every author has different needs. Editing rates vary depending on manuscript length and condition. Contact me to discuss your project.